Thursday, July 05, 2001


You only live one life. Don't hold back.

Day Four of My Impending Boredom:

I don't understand people with weak constitutions. If you're going to break up with someone, fucking break-up, be done with it, and move on with your lives. None of this on-again, off-again shit when you know that there are literally fucking billions of other people out there that are better suited to your needs than that whiny, pretentious, fucking snobbyass b-otch that sucked the life from the past 12 months of your life. It absolutely boggles my mind when two people, who obviously are absolutely not compatible, keep breaking up, getting back together, breaking up, getting back together, and on and on ...

Fucking idiots.

We ended up having a Bar-b-que tonight. Totally worth it. The first one we've had aluminum foil at, and the brats turned out tremedously. I almost feel bad for vegetarians and vegans on nights like this. So much flava'. So much love in the air. And they're totally missing out.

Which brings me to my second abstract line of thought - 3 Reasons Why I'll Never Be In A Successful Band:

(1) I'm not a vegetarian. Or, as I like to call it, I'm a meat-a-tarian. Can't help it. Always have been, always will be. There's just something about blood ...

(2) I have absolutely no hook-ups. I know this dude that runs this crap record label out east. That's about it. "Hi, I'm in a band, and we sound like ____ and ______ with a hint of _____ (kind of like a cross between _____ and ______), can you put our record out? Pretty please?" Whatev!

(3) I am not in the Dismemberment Plan. Nuff said.

Tomorrow is Cleaning Day at the apartment. Anyone interested in lending a helping hand can email me here. References are, of course, required. Previous experience is always a plus. Thank you kindly

- the Management.