Sunday, July 08, 2001


Note: all references to the Day ____ of My Impending Boredom series have hereby been suspended. It came to the attention of the author that grammar and word-choice was unsatisfactory, and an immediate solution was not available.

In a Related Story: Zach and Ryan are butts.

This heat is oppresive. I had to bust out my Tribe Called Quest "Midnight Marauders" CD to cope. And coping I am. The key is to stay inside, drink lots of fluid, and always be firmly in control of the remote to the television (assuming, of course, that your sole air-conditioning unit is located in only your living room). It helps when the Cubs win, and when Cops was filmed in Jersey City. Cop:"Have you ever been arrested before, sir?" Dude: "Yes." Cop: "What were you previously incarcerated for, sir?" Dude: "..." Cop: "Sir, you have to tell me what you've previously served time for." Dude: "Terrorist threats." Fantastic.

Don't ever live in a college town during the summer. One word = boredom. Literally, w/out a job, I am so unbelievably bored. Unbearably bored. Indubitably bored. Scooter, Zook, and my old pal Jon were down last night. What'd we do? Sat around at my apartment, got drunk, and made lots and lots of noise. Brought me back to living in the dorms, living above the bar, yelling at people on the sidewalk, running rampant through the crowded August streets of Normal, IL. Only we were viciously alone, with only each other to talk to (read - reminisce).

And I Quote Myself: "There's something to be said for keeping it on an even keel."

I wish I had more to tell you all, but I don't. I beat Bionic Commando. That's all I've got. All apologies.