Tuesday, June 12, 2001


I got a co-host.

Musical numbers with Kirsten Dunst are somehow unable to Not bury themselves deep inside the singing side of my brain. Can I stop saying "Dude its Darcy" or "I got a coooo-hoooost" or "I'm still big red"? No. Unfortunately.

The tops of my arms are burned from not putting any sunscreen on them while pasting it on the rest of my upper torso. Not cool. Aloe Vera in massive amounts plus Ron Sexsmith makes it all go away. Today at work I learned more about my father in fifteen minutes from his childhood friend***1*** than I would have in ten hours with him. Did you know my dad couldn't go to his 4th grade picnic even though it was held at his farm? You had as good a chance of knowing that as I did, although my mom tells me I've heard the story ten million times***2***. I was like "Dude, why didn't he go anyway?!!? IT was his fucking house" and Kenny goes "Catholic School, he says he says".

The summer book total rises to 3 with 2 finished last night. The Trial by Franz Kafka, and In the Name of the World by Denis Johnson. Somehow I read over 200 pages in less than 150 minutes. How?***3***I have no idea. Kafka makes me sleepy, and Johnson is so good sometimes that he needed to write an average 129 novella that is about as much as a Seinfeld episode yet somehow I read the whole thing excitedly.***4*** At $12.95 that's about ten cents a page. I could have photo-copied it for cheaper, but hey, it was a gift.

Why are Julia Stiles and Cameron Diaz famous? If yer answer is looks, I postulate***4.5*** that you could find someone ten times as beautiful by going to yer local Starbucks or Beauty Salon and just hanging out for a minute. Many more beautiful women in this world. So why? They can't act, they're annoying, and they can't act. Why?

I miss you.

Travis does indeed have a new album. As do Planes Mistaken for Stars (Wicked good at first listen), Calexico, Rufus Wainwright, and Pernice Brothers.***5***

***1***Read: my boss and his Joint Venture partner.
***2***As Ryan will atest, I forget many things. Did I tell you I know a guy who dated Summer Sanders?
***3***Insert Hooked on Phonics joke here.
***4***Making the only thing I got for my birthday (except from my brother, who never forgets) a high quality purchase. Way to go, Ryan.
***4.5***Or whatev.
***5***Or, the next five albums that would come out in a perfect world would be...


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