Tuesday, June 12, 2001


You talking smack, kid?

What do you do when: you are in a grocery store check-out line (let's say Jewel's), you look behind the register one aisle over and notice a girl from one of your current classes. Take into account that you've talked to this female for about 2 minutes 15 seconds, at the very most, and only on topics relating to Poetry (class) and Poets (people who created the cirriculum of said class). She sits next to you almost on a daily basis, the only days that seat is empty is of course when she isn't present. Do you: (a) look quietly down at your shoes, stuff your hands into your pockets, and try to ignore her (b) look towards her station, maybe hoping to catch a glimpse of recognition, or (c) just make balls out eye contact and say "what's up" in a crackly voice?


Blockbuster got their X Men and Full Metal Jacket back tonight, but they didn't get any money. It'll be a cold day in hell before that happens. Instead, I opted for my old Family Video stomping grounds, paid off my excessive $30 late charge, caught up with an old co-worker, and rented The Virgin Suicides and Boys Don't Cry. Both flicks I've seen before and tremendously enjoyed.

My apartment building is a no man's land tonight. So, I decided to do what any sane, jobless, agendaless man would do: I sat around, watched television and ate Triscuits. Such is the life . ..