Monday, June 11, 2001


Did you know: that I'd never heard "Yellow" by Coldplay until about three days ago, when I sucked it in, and bought the album (without hearing a note off it). I've got some making up to do, eh? It's in seriosly repetitive rotation, to overcompensate for the months of being left behind by the radio. I never listen to the radio. Never. The only time I do is when I hit the wrong button on my walkman on my way back and forth to class, and that's only for a split-second.

It's way too fucking hot outside. I take back what I said about it being June and rainy and cold. I liked that shit better than this shit. My room was about 4400 degrees last night, sticky, muggy, thick, blah, humid, wet, etc. I could not sleep. The only upside is that my alarm wakes me up in this shit. I took a shower today before class, and even had time to do my hair. Yar!

Sorry about the email response-time folks. I'll hopefully get to you all tonight. Refer to above post about being lazy.

And Destiny's Child's new video "Bootylicious" lives up to the name - and then some. I don't care what Zach says. They've got what it takes. I can handle it. Can you handle it?