Saturday, June 09, 2001


You know it was a strange weekend night when you: (a) didn't drink a single ounce of any kind of alcoholic beverage (b) got to play kickball in a dark parking lot (c) went down to the McLean County jail to bail a friend out, but can't because the friend has the charge of "Class III Felony Aggravated Assault on a Police Officer" going against him or (d) came back and watched Full Metal Jacket and had all kinds of strange dreams. Ahh, the lives that we lead. ..

All of the above is true. I'm awaiting the court's decision today, but I'm not bailing anyone out. I'd have to drop out again and go back to work if I were to do so.

For the past fifteen years, I've had this blanket that my grammy bought for me, and it's old, and ratty,and I love it. But yesterday, I finally sucked it in and bought something new. It's amazing what a new blanket will do to de-douchebagify your bedroom. Try it out sometime. You'll be amazed at the results.

I'm going to go to the living room now, and try to make things all seem real again. Toodles.