Tuesday, June 19, 2001


Almost fitting that no one challenged my "I Would Be A Good God" BLARG from yesterday. Probably proves that I'm right - so sod off, you bloody wankers!

I just finished watching The Filth and the Fury documentary about the Sex Pistols a little while ago, so pardon me if my language might seem a little strange. I was never much into the Pistols, but I guess you've got to respect a bit of what they started. Or not.

Matt's standing in my doorway right now, playing old StraightLeggedKick tunes, and just generally trying to piss me off. He's using our soon-to-be-full-time roommate Al's little, teeny, tiny amp that sounds like a dying squirrel (w/distortion). A minute or so ago it was full blast high, high E. Not the chord, just the highest E that he could get out of the guitar, sixteenth notes, over and over again. Sound like shit? Yes. Annoying? Yes. Funny? Hell's yes. Should I remind you that it's 1:11am? You bet.

Jeff just broke out the trumpet. I guess all hell's about to break loose. It's payback time, you stinkin' upstairs neighbors, you. Here comes my keyboard!

I think the above captures the mood tonight - spirited/mischievious/superfluous/& nefarious.