Sunday, May 27, 2001


You think you and me could break all 16 of 'em in four days?

Can you beat going downtown naperville and drinking and none of yer friends being around and then all of the sudden "BAM!", there's Scoots McB? I don't think so. Scoot entertained me all night whether it was the "You gave Zach a Hicky!" to my 8th grade girlfriend or "Heineken? Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon!". I think we impressed the entire crowd with our ability to eat ten boxes of free popcorn while expressing our mutual admiration for Kate Beckinsale. And some dude (used to be friends with feminazi) was wearing an Ann Berreta sweatshrit and I was going to go up to him and be all "Yeah bro, I played with them once. They were assholes" but I think he recognized me as the only person who DOESN'T have a band in this entire country.

Blogspot is back up, amen.

I'm hungover from two too many Jim Beam shots (the second, as Scoot will atest, was a double shot in a glass made for sipping, but fuck that shit. I say get it over with fast, and enjoy the taste***1***) and too many beers. Tomorrow I will enjoy my first day off of the summer by watching my dog drag her ass across the carpet for relief and another viewing of Requiem for a Dream.

Gotta go, my ma's coming.

The top five Matt Damon movies of all time, in order of importance: "Good Will Hunting"; "the Rainmaker"; "All the Pretty Horses"; "rounders" and "Saving Private Ryan"

In the stereo: All the Pretty Horses

***1***I really don't like the way it tastes, I'm not really partial to nasty.