Saturday, May 26, 2001


Pearl Harbor: If they cut out about an hour of the damn love story, it might have been tolerable. But, as it is now, my knees beg to say that it wasn't really worth $5.50 and three hours of my time. And what's worse? There were no humorous outtakes during the credits. That's a trend that I can't seem to get enough of. For shame.

Thank God blog*spot is back up. I was beginning to worry that we'd seen the end of the Superhero, the Nuts, the Friend, and Awkward. What would I have done with myself? At least those dudes over at the Wire could get on with it like business as usual. What's their secret?

Although we've been down most of the week, there wasn't much to blarg about, so I didn't. Graduation last night sucked, although it was nice to see my sister get her diploma. I feel bad for the party-kids at highschool graduation. They're the ones that get most of the applause and assorted overly-dramatic cheers when their names are called, but they also seem to be the ones that don't tend to make it anywhere after school's out. At least that's how the cookie crumbles in Kankakee. I kept cringing at each successive name that was met with more hoopla, almost like it was a death sentence on the poor kid. "Jenny Smith." *YAAH!!* *claps* *whooping and/or hollering* The poor girl's probably going to end up working at the mustard factory with all that noise going on. And once again, I say "for shame".