Sunday, May 27, 2001

hi all! i missed you.

what a great night, eh? i found some popcorn in my teeth this morning. mmmm, mmmm. we're definitely doing that again.

so i met this girl who was zach's first kiss or first hickey or what-ev and immediately proceeded to swoon her and her friend. how did i do this? by simply clueing them in on the fact that rainbows are really circular. the reason why they look like an arc to us is because the horizon stops our field of vision. if we were able to see a rainbow from high above the earth, it would be oval in shape. interesting?? yes. amusing?? maybe not to some. at any rate, i enjoyed the encounter. i also enjoyed the half hour discussion slash argument about tips and what our waitress would consider a good one. zach is a troooper, he really is. he stuck up for my friend kapil. he's a keeper ryan.

zachary, did i happen to tell you where i got that Heineken quote? my roommate freshman year (who was, and to my knowledge still is, legally insane).. the same guy who would always tell me paul hogan had a stroke. what a nut.

speaking of nutz, why can't i view my favorite blogspot pages?? i'm busting through the seams just waiting for updates. come on come on.

i gotta poo. i mean goo. as in go. like go-ing. like "i'm going now."


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