Tuesday, April 03, 2001


When you have Herpes because you didn't pay attention in Health Class, don't come crying to me.

I have a new email address! Hip-hop hurrah! Apparently, Gateway (my former internet service provider) is closing that part of themselves down. They said, "hey, dude?" I said, "what's up, mo-fo?" They said, "dude, we're closing, but we've got this deal." I said, "cool, what's the haps?" They said, "you can get yo' sassy ass on AOL, for no-extra charge than what you's is payin' now?" I said, "cool, sock-it-to-me, man, shit!"

And that's the end of that chapter.

Thank you to the Colorado State Trooper today who pulled me over, only to give me a warning. It was on a long stretch of US-160, somewhere between Durango and Pueblo, Colorado. I was going 70mph. The speed limit was 60mph. I saw the cop slam on his brakes right as he passed me. He probably saw my car lurch forward as I saw him come around the corner. About a mile down the road he caught up to me and pulled me over. I was sweet, telling him that we were on our way between Ignacio and Pagosa Springs, and that we did work for the Post Office. I even showed him my government ID. Maybe I should start doing that all the time. Either way, he came back, gave me my license and the registration back. "I just gave you a warning," he said. Thank you, kind sir. You really should've given me a ticket. If anyone deserves it, I do.

Coincendentally, he came into the Post Office we were working at a few hours later and recognized me. At least my government employment story checked out. PHEW!

Lost $37 at the Blackjack table last night. Jesse lost $4. I kept getting screwed. What's new?