Saturday, March 31, 2001


Dismemberment Plan Show (3/29/01- Champaign, Illinois)-

There have been two bands that I've seen frequently over the past two years, or so. One is First Grade Crush, my occasional-live in buddies. My band even went on tour with them once. I can't explain how awesome they are, in their own (formerly) ska/punk way. The other band is the Mt. St. Helens, a group of friends from up north. We even stole their old guitar player. They blow my mind each and every time I see them, especially if I've been drinking. I mention these two bands specifically because they are the only two bands that I've traveled to see since early '99. No joke. I would say that I traveled to see Hey Mercedes play their first show last year, but it's somewhat of a lie because the Mount Saints played the same night, at the same venue, at the same show. So, it's a void statement.

One band I will travel for, and over long distances to boot, is the Dismemberment Plan- DC's own brand of sexy/hip-swaying/popsters. They are the type of band that make one not want to see anything else. When they announce that their last song is about to be performed, I know that there will be no need for an encore. The last song will be enough. Last night was no different. They walked on stage with no kind of airs. No cocky swagger, no overly produced outfits, no nothing. Just theyselves and they's guitars. Then they did something that very few bands know how to do nowadays: they fucking rocked balls and made me want to get jiggy with it. Unfortunately, the show took place in the heart of Illinois, so chances of actually shaking that thang were less than 10%, but I did sway heavily. I even shook my butt once.

New songs= Good.
Old songs= Good.
Last song= Fucking rad.
First song= Gnarly.

I'm drunk. I have to work in four hours. I'm sorry. I love you.