Friday, April 06, 2001


A social experiment was tested last night. Could we talk to people, and rate them on a system of points at the same time? Answer: HELLS YES! Here are the results:

Staci: Overall Score: +79
-10 Not knowing any particular Simpsons quotes
+30 Claims to love the Simpsons (she's probably faking, but oh well)
+10 Likes Braveheart
+5 Not a big fan of action movies
+2 Moderately agrees that Woody Allen is . . . okay. . . um, yeah
+3 Favorite Movie is Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels
+1 She's from Massachusets
+2 Studying Biology
+12 Studying Biology at a bar
+3 Her boyfriend was cool
-2 For calling "Bourbonnais" this- "Bourbon-F"
+10 For calling Jesse handsome
-5 Never saw An American Movie
+20 Attempted to quote Ralph Wiggum
-10 Not a Cubs fan
-5 Red Sox fan
-12 to the Red Sox for dealing away Babe Ruth
+5 Likes the Chicago Bears
+45 for referencing 1985 WORLD CHAMPION Chicago Bears
+10 Walter Payton best all-time running back
-5 She walked away
-10 for agreeing that Marc is fat
-20 for being w/boyfriend for more than 2 years

Overall, Staci was cool. She said I was fat, though. Boo. Ben's too tall, but no one seems to care about that. Maybe it was the beer in us, who knows? Here's number two:

Ed: Overall Score: 138
+5 said "What's up partner?" as he sat down for interview
+2 used the word "prime" frequently
+10 for drinking Olympia Beer
+2 for using capacity in reference to bar and its Bumping-ness
-10 for not taking me to IHOP right then and there
-2 for never being to Milwaukee
+10 for saying "Westside" with emphasis on the "Si-eede"
-2 for being from Florida
+10 for calling Merkle (our lady friend from Kankakee) cute
+2 for working at some joint called the Vault
-15 for referencing Bruce Hornsby as his favorite musician
+1 for liking Parliament Cigarettes
+15 for liking Chicago Cubs
+50 for thinking getting rid of Mark Grace was retarded
+50 for thinking they should've gotten rid of Sammy Sosa
+10 for pissing on a moving bus
+5 for thinking of hopping on the train that was passing

Ed scored more points on statements alone, but he was a little shady. Don't know if I'd trust him with my favorite baseball card. Would you? Last one:

Jen: Overall Score: -999,499
-1000 for saying Varsity Blues was the best comedy she'd ever seen
+700 for saying Platoon was a good movie
+1 for thinking Marilyn Monroe was her favorite actress (in the words of Scottie, she's fooling herself)
-1000 x 1000 for not enjoying the conversation
+500 for having a shitload of piercings in discreet locations

Jen sucked. End of story. Sorry this post was so long. It had to be done.