Monday, April 23, 2001

marc helgy son

I'm Playing the IM Game Tonight: I think I'm winning too. Talked to Jesse, who still has yet to BLARG in forever. Maybe he just doesn't care anymore. I bet he doesn't even read this. His loss, I say. I bet there's a lot of people that don't ever read this, like people in China and San Francisco, and Peru. I bet there are Ethiopian children who've never heard of the Superhero. And you know what? They don't even care. That's fine. They're entitled to their own lives, but they'd probably be far more enlightened if they just tried a little harder. I talked to Shaw Dawg a little (that's a roomies EX). She's a good kid, although a little skinny, and she's always asking me for rides. What's a brotha' to do? Say "no"?


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