Monday, March 26, 2001

Zach "Toothbrush" Kuhn

He could be in my movie, but we'd feed him to the lions.

Big ups to OK Plus Three for the new layout. It appears that engineers, while spacey and oft-criticized, can be productive members of society. Joking. And Marcie, you spelled their link wrong, its OK not Okay. Get to it.

Registration was almost a hassle, I had to call the office to get it going. But I successfully maneuvered/manuevered/manoevered/mantooshired through the madness and wound up with:
English 296 The teaching of writing 9-950 MWF (cool)
English 297 The teaching of Literature 10-1050 MWF (very cool)
English 300 Senior Seminar 335-525 TR (wouldn't be cool, except I got an AWESOME teacher)
ENglish 347.02 Creative Writing:Prose 530-820 M (I'm scared, because while I continue to kick ass in the poetry part, prose continues to kick back)
Communications 123 12-1250 MWF (I need this to teach speech. I don't want to teach speech. Damn resumes...)
Did I mention we're hitting the road on thursday to see the always dy-no-mite Dismemberment Plan. IT's in not-so-dy-no-mite Urbana at the Courtyard. If I can get a few beers in me, I'll be shaking that ass. If not, I'll be shaking that ass in my mind. Back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back.

I'm anxious to hear what everybody thought of the get BLARGing.

The next five songs on your radio in a perfect world would be: "Fuck and Run" by Liz Phair; "Apology Accepted" by Joel Phelps; "Chicago at Night" by spoon; "Oh Comely" by neutral milk hotel; and "wrecking ball" by creeper lagoon.


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