Friday, March 23, 2001


Zach scared me when he came into the living room asking "is there somethign wrong with our BLARG (that's right, we vocally refer to it as a BLARG too, bet you didn't think we did, did you?)?" (I've also been having this thing with parentheses lately, and quotation marks and carrots, sorry) I say "no", he looks at me funny, and then tells me that no one can read ours. Hmmm .. . I don't profess to know much about how this here Intro-net works, but I know that I saw all the updates on my computer, and he saw all the updates on his, so everything was working okay on our side. But, for some reason, Are You Wearing A Wire? and Okay Plus Three (I promise to put a link up to yours tomorrow, dudes, I'm scrapped for time right now cause my computers slow and there's about to be a raging kegger that needs some bodies) couldn't see them. What the hell does this mean? Why couldn't anyone see our shit? I don't get it. Did the people at BLOGGER forget to post our stuff on some other intro-net that these people are using? Hmmm.. . . makes me think.

About to take off for the evening. I've already downed three Bud Lights, to no avail. They're competing for room in my stomach with the hefty amount of Cheese Pizza consumed three hours ago. Jake's delivered, and Zach, myself, Luke, Scottie Toooodlenums, Rick, and Erin "Shaw-Dawg" Shaw consumed. We payed $36.35 (plus tip). It was worth it. Rick said that the pizza "sucked". I'm not suprised.

On the MP3 Player: "Champagne Supernova" by Oasis. I can't seem to get this song out of my head. And I can't figure out why.

My tattoos have finally stopped itching. Yea! for me. Bottoms up, three cheers, everyone rejoice, for the weekend is here!