Monday, March 26, 2001

Zach "Register" Kuhn

Where have all the cowboys gone?

U of I basketball team: your new assignment is to use those basket weaving degrees their feeding to you and make us some hand baskets--we're heading home, to hell. Russell Crowe, Julia Roberts, Gladiator. Russell Crowe deserved it LAST year for the Insider, so I suppose that's okay. Julia Roberts was good but there is NO way she was better than Ellen Burstyn. The clip they showed during the show last night proves that beyond a shadow. And Gladiator....I'm not sure what to say. First, only Traffic and MAYBe CT,HD deserved to be nominated. Then they give it to a movie, that granted is a solid "watch while you hang out" movie, but a movie that was pretty flat and unoriginal and so easy to predict. I don't know.

Thank God, however, that we didn't have to sit through Kate Hudson's acceptance speech. And Cameron Crowe made it slightly easier to swallow that the Academy forgot about YCCOM, which really should have romped.

Top 5 things about the entire Oscars thing, watched last night at the Ryan's:
5. My popcorn eating habits being only slightly less messy than Ryan's ability to eat a Jimmy John's sandwich. There was enough lettuce on the couch to feed her rabbit.
4. Danny Devito getting caught eating a carrot, and then Steve Martin bringing him some dip.
3. Bob Dylan's face the entire time he sang that song. A tie with Bjork's dress (she was TERRIBLE).
2. ABC bringing back the old school Jerry Seinfeld AmEx commercials. That was a wicked googaly.
1. Our friend Lisa, who after Jason proclaimed "Gladiator" a "bad-ass movie" said the following:
"I don't think bad-ass is a category".

So there it is. Next year has to be better. Please. The IFC awards were twice as funny, twice as heartbreaking, twice as twice as PTA would say.

A close shame to the wire for leaving us in the dark for a day. We're worried sick about you b o y s.

the next five songs on your radio in a perfect world would be: "back and forth" by the Dismemberment plan; "st. dominick's preview" by van morrison; "lonely in a limousine" by lifter puller; "wrecking ball" by creeper lagoon; and "we laugh indoors" by death cab for cutie.

in the stereo: the hum of my computer while I wait to register for classes, for the last time...sigh.
Of relief.


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