Sunday, March 25, 2001


My chair by my computer has been making a weird cracking sound every time I've sat down today. I thought, at first, that I was gaining weight again, but I've just realized that there were some shitty CD's under the back, left leg. Whoopsie.

I've had a terrible weekend, and it's 100% my fault. I goaded people into messing with me last night, and they kicked my ass for it. .. literally. Zach even got a cheap shot in by spraying Windex in my mouth. Some fucking friend, huh? He seems to think it was justified because I was dangerously close to kicking over the fishtank. Here's a list of shit of mine that has become partially broken, or nearly useless within the past 24 hours:

1) My glasses. I superglued the left wire-frame-thingy-that-attaches-to-me-ear back on.
2) The latch to my laptop. As I was glueing my glasses back together, I somehow glued my laptop shut. Laugh if you want. I know it's supposed to be funny, but I can't even seem to manage a chuckle.
3) The remote control to my unbelievably shitty Television set. Just snapped about ten minutes ago. I'm throwing out the TV on my way to the airport tomorrow. I'm suprised the remote broke before it did.
4) The crack in my front windshield on my car has grown, by about 75%, since last Monday.
5) My acoustic guitar's low-E string bridge/string secure thingy. I don't know what it's called. It's the piece of plastic you push down with the string to hold it in place. I got the ball off, but the rest of it (including the string I was trying to change) still remains firmly in place. I give up.
6) My "other" band: Naginata. Sure, we hadn't played a show in nearly ten months, but I still enjoyed playing with Jared. Rick and Matt I see everyday, but Jared is a rarity. Our last show was tonight. There weren't too many people there that I recognized. It seemed pretty pointless if you ask me, but I'm still glad that I did it.

I think that's it. "Maybe if I went into a coma, I'd just miss a bunch of boring stuff" - Matt Fast c/o Spring Break Tour 2001