Sunday, March 04, 2001

Zach "Surround Sounds" Kuhn

Am I in your Jesus fire?

Worked all night. I've decided that, finally, after five long years of service, it is about time for my employer and I to part ways. I have ZERO fun at work. In the beginning, and what a beginning it was, I had good friends to work with, and plenty of work to do. My boss was a real-time bad ass, a guy who doubled as a bouncer at Buddy Guy's Legends in Chicago, the type of place you have to chuck about 10 drunken ex-fratties a night. All of the people I worked with I was friends with before, except for Ralph, who lied more than he told the truth. One time he told me that his mom was a millionaire and that he was going to inherit millions when he turned 22. Where was he when he turned 22? In the same chair, telling the same story, only this time it was 24. Most of my time at work was spent bullshitting while doing work that actually qualified as honest. Now all I do is price CD's and DVD's and put up the occasional Washer and Dryer. My job officially sucks ass. The guys I work with are OK, but no one sticks out as someone I'll miss working with.

Next week I'm scheduled for 4.5 hours, hours that I can't even work because I'm leaving for L.A. on Thursday. So my next paycheck will be for 5.5 hours. That works out to a fat 40 dollars. I spent twenty minutes today staring into space, and no one, not even the managers who walked by me, asked me what I was doing. What should be a perfect opportunity to squeeze a few bucks out of the man with minimal effort has turned into an endless lifesucking hole.

I'm setting my final day as May 1st, before which time I intend on making the most out of my employee discount. I'm planning on getting a cd burner, but have to decide between one that installs in my computer (actually, my brother's computer passed down to me) or one that stands on its own. I'm leaning towards one that stands on its own, if only because I don't want to have to have my computer on to burn stuff. Let me know which one you think would be better. Napster's dead anyway, and I'm not giving more money to the record labels by paying for it.

On that subject, do we really think that artists will see a dime of the money Napster's going to start charging? No fucking way. If you download a Modest Mouse song, Epic will get the money first and find a way to filter it down to jack shit. So I say back to the good old days when free music equaled getting a friend to tape/burn it for you. I still do it. Christine is getting some Death Cab/Spoon action and Greg from work is getting some Death Cab/Spoon action. I'm getting some other kinda action.

Pull yer mind outta tha gutter.

I saw a three year old boy with a mullet today. Otherwise known as the long/short. Otherwise known as the hockey cut. Otherwise known as sad, sad, sad. I highly doubt that kid digs having long hair down to his shoulders. He's probably always getting it caught in various objects, which would account for parts of the hair being longer than the others. The only other instance where a hair cut has made me sad was when I saw a deaf and dumb Latino woman force her five year old daughter to shave her head. At Supercuts. On a Friday afternoon, when Supercuts is fu-packed. The girl was screaming, the stylist refused to do it, but the mother insisted. I think the woman next to me started crying. The mother couldn't talk, so she mimed the actions. Closed fist down the center of the head + the brushing of the sides of head = a little girl, on whom (sadly) many judgements are made based on appearance, has no hair. Was the mother shaved, or to be shaved, you ask? Of course not. I wanted to take the scissors to her myself, but the guy who cuts my hair (and who my brother and I are convinced is addicted to speed) probably would have severed an artery.

Plus my hair looks looks bad enough as it is

It has also been decided that I'm going to meet the Lady Friend's family tommorrow. I'm nervous as shit, as meeting the parents in my past has been hit or miss. Katie: miss. Stephanie: miss. Actually, I've never really dated a girl long enough to necessitate a parental consent. Sad, I think not. I'm a serious advocate of being alone. Not of loneliness, because God knows that's fucked up many a man in my time. I'm talking the act of being alone. I like watching movies by myself, reading by myself, driving I-55 after midnight on a summer night by myself, BLARGing by myself. I also like doing each of those things with others. Which do I prefer?....I'd have to say a healthy mix. If you know me, you know I like to baricade myself in my room for entire evenings. It's not that I don't like my roomates, its that I'm the type of person who likes doing things on my own. Simple, yet extremely hard for some people to understand.

Enough of that talk, mister. You'll scare them to exodus.

A full update on the meeting will more than likely be posted here and
here, since the Lady Friend has also established herself as a BLARGer, although for a less revolutionary cause. Just joking. Her topic of discussion today? The female 60 minute orgasm. I prefer not to kiss and tell....

Right now, Sisqo is enjoying his multi-million dollar home. What a world.

Someone thinks that I go on for too long. F You.
That short enough for ya?

There is a possiblity that this BLARG may be getting a face lift and a larger space for few to read....hmmmmm.

The next five songs on your radio in a perfect world would be: "We Laugh Indoors" by Death Cab For Cutie; "Safe and Sound" by Azure Ray; "Sesame Street" by Pelican City; "I really should've gone out last night" by the Dirty Three; and "On the Nickel" by Tom Waits.

in the stereo: Azure Ray


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