Wednesday, March 28, 2001

Zach "No Parking" Kuhn

You're another coat of red in hell.

So I had a bit of a disaster with the parking situation. We (Marc, Rick, Larry and I) pay $295 each for this apartment, but we have no parking spots. SAMI (our landlord) was nice enough to give us $200 to spend on a spot, but considering spots go for twice that around here, I've had to beg and plead. Last semester I parked at our neighbors which was awesome-I never had a problem. This semester I park down the street at my friend Luke's. His lot is barely big enough to turn around in, but fits about 9 cars snugly. Tonight I pulled in after work and surprise: no spots. I came back here planning to go back later, and when I did BAM!, three spots. The only problem is half the building was hanging around, and I had to go inside to fool them into thinking I lived there. Messy, messy, messy.

Paul Reubens is on Leno, and in rare form. "Blow" is on my short list of things to do on April 6th, along with possibly head out to Champaign to see The's. Except I'll be in Champaign the night before to see Hey May, and then am heading to chicago to see hey may and mark Kay on saturday. Ok doe-kay?! Boo-yay.

Five more things that could fall from the face of the earth without a peep from me:
1. Anyone who makes recent acquaintances call them by a nickname. By this I mean a Joe making you call him Ace, not (for example) a Jimmy Jones making you call him Jonesy, although that's not cool either.
2. People who buy a 32" TV and then get pissed when I can't fit it in their car.
3. People in #2 who then call their spouse to bring "the truck".
4. Impatience.
5. The person in my building who continues to throw their garbage in the hallway rather than spending the five minutes to take it to the dumpster. F You.

the next five songs on your radio in a perfect world would be: "Thinking out loud" by ron sexsmith; "the wake of your flood" by those bastard souls; "meet me on the ledge" by varnaline; "wrecking ball" by creeper lagoon; and "we laugh indoors" by death cab for cutie.

in the stereo: Phil Jackson NOT talking as the coach of the bulls.


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