Wednesday, March 14, 2001

Zach "I met seal (the entertainer)" Kuhn

We delivered the bomb, though.

Hello, sweet BLARGers. I'm home from sunny Los Angeles, where it was 72 with no clouds. Had a fantastic time with Mellissa and her cat Bubba, even though he made me sneeze non-stop the entire time. I guess I'm alergic...good to know. I missed this fucking computer, let me tell you.

Cities I saw and liked: Huntington Beach, Santa Monica, Newport Beach, Malibu, Orange, Anaheim Hills.
Cities I saw and frowned: Anaheim, Kansas City (twice), and Cicero.

For a midwestern boy who'd never seen a real hill or mountain, the experience was incredible. I don't know if I could live there (spending 25 minutes at one stoplight will do that to you) but I will definitely consider it. The weather alone makes me want to go for it. What did I do? I'm debating just posting what I wrote in my journal (which is more of a scrap book, since I tape everything "important" to its pages), but I don't want it to be too much for certain people. Fuck it, I'll just post highlights/lowlights of each day.

Celebrity sightings/run in's: 1
Total Amount of Money Spent: $318.53 (ticket to LAX, food, gift for Lady Friend (cheap, of course), more food)
Number of hours spent in Kansas City: 2
Number of hours spent in LAX waiting for flight home: 4
Actual time my brother and mother had stay up til to pick me up: 4:14 a.m.
Jon Cryer/Patrick Dempsey films watched: 2
Number of times I've told a metermaid to fuck off: Zero

Can somebody tell me what the fuck Mark Kozelek said?!??!?!!?!?!?

More later....

The next five songs on your radio in a perfect world would be: "The man who told everything" by the doves; the cherry coke theme song from two summers ago where the guy singing made cherry coke sound like "Cherico"; "We laugh indoors" by death cab for cutie; "the young influentials" by Juno; and "the new collapse" by the mt. st. helens.

In the stereo: Godspeed you black emperor!


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