Wednesday, March 28, 2001


Currently, I'm sitting on the floor at LAX (that's Los Angeles International Airport for those of you who don't know). Wow, I guess I just totally fucked up that abbreviation. Why did I waste my time even using it? Just went ahead and explained what it meant anyways. Oh well.

There's lots of fly honey's flying by. Think I might need to use me superpowers to snag me one, or two, or seven. Hell, I've got the time for a short-term relationship. I'll be here for at least three more hours. My flight don't leave until about seven o'clock tonight, and seeing as how it's only three, I figure I've got time. Unless they make us leave earlier, which I've never seen happen. But I bet it's possible.

I can't wait for the Dismemberment Plan to shake, rattle, and rock tomorrow night. I'll be dry-humping the floor (i.e. break dancing), if all goes well. And I think it should. By my calculations, it's been 1 year and 5 months since I saw them last. I lost weight at that show, and I'll lose weight at this one. Dance contest or no!, I'll be convulsing like a pig on steroids. Boo-yah.