I have no problem trying to help keep people off drugs because it is really my life completely, but they went about it wrong. I've paid for my mistakes. I don't want my grandchildren to keep paying for my mistakes. -- Penny Wood, former methamphetamine user on her mug shots being used as drug deterents for local teenagers.
One. I found this article in the Chicago Tribune from yesterday, and am amazed at how disturbing this woman's image is. On the one hand I want to feel sorry for her and side with her and say that it's wrong that they're exploiting her like this. But, then again, the other hand says, "Goddamn! That's one ugly woman!" and has me thinking that she deserves this. It's not like this was her first arrest. She plea bargained this punishment for herself -- she even signed off on it. But still, those pictures are just so disturbing. Too bad the Tribune's a bunch of bastards and won't let us get to the pictures on their website for free. Sorry.
Two. I had a kind of "growing pain" in my leg the other night before I went to bed. You know what I'm talking about, that pain that feels like your leg's being stretched out. Well, I had one and it hit pretty much right before I went to bed. In fact, I think it started while I wrote my last post. Anywho, I'm laying there and I keep thinking, "oh man, I've got a freaking blood clot". No shit. I thought that. Then, this thought came to me -- "I'm gonna' die tonight cause of this stupid blood clot". I climbed into bed all quiet like, and pulled the covers up, and once I finally got comfortable, I started looking around the room. The hotel keys framed, hanging on the wall. The computer. The bass in the corner next to my pile of sweaters. And I just kept thinking, "wow, what if I don't wake up tomorrow? ... Oh well, I had a good run" and happily went to sleep. Woke up the next morning just fine, happy to be alive and whatnot.
Three. I have officially signed up for the fantasy baseball league. Consider your asses all whooped by the Vernons. Couldn't think of a name. First I thought of "The Pennypackers", but decided a nay because of the cheap, homosexual inference. Then it was "Ding-Dong and the Nut Sack Chorus", but the phalic implications, and the outright balls reference just sounded wrong to me. Not baseball material, you know? Like the Orioles, or the Cubs, or the Red Sox. Finally, it came down to either "The Red Hotz!" or "The Vernons" (the name of the street I live off). Either one, I thought. Flipped a coin, and wound up with the Vernons. In retrospect, I think I actually like the Red Hotz! better, but I'll manage ... to win my division! Boo-yeah!
Four. I watched a college student pretend to teach a sex education lesson to a group of his peers this afternoon. He had us take cards with phrases like "Unprotected Sex", "Mutual Masterbation", and "Anal Sex" on them and place them in the High Risk, Medium Risk, or Low Risk areas of the chalkboard. The group that put it up there had to explain their rationale on the placement of the card under a specific category. When it came time for the "Anal Sex" card he looked straight-faced at everyone and said, without blinking, "Now, who had anal sex?" You'd think that a bunch of twenty-somethings could control themselves in a situation like that, wouldn't you? You would be wrong. I was laughing so hard I almost cried.
Oh she may be weary / and young girls they do get wearied
Oral Sex: "Try a Little Tenderness" by Otis Redding, because it's safe.
Vaginal Sex: "Bloody Murderer" by Cursive, because it sounds cool.
Anal Sex: "Bastards" by Planes Mistaken for Stars, because it's so dirty.
I have no problem trying to help keep people off drugs because it is really my life completely, but they went about it wrong. I've paid for my mistakes. I don't want my grandchildren to keep paying for my mistakes. -- Penny Wood, former methamphetamine user on her mug shots being used as drug deterents for local teenagers.
One. I found this article in the Chicago Tribune from yesterday, and am amazed at how disturbing this woman's image is. On the one hand I want to feel sorry for her and side with her and say that it's wrong that they're exploiting her like this. But, then again, the other hand says, "Goddamn! That's one ugly woman!" and has me thinking that she deserves this. It's not like this was her first arrest. She plea bargained this punishment for herself -- she even signed off on it. But still, those pictures are just so disturbing. Too bad the Tribune's a bunch of bastards and won't let us get to the pictures on their website for free. Sorry.
Two. I had a kind of "growing pain" in my leg the other night before I went to bed. You know what I'm talking about, that pain that feels like your leg's being stretched out. Well, I had one and it hit pretty much right before I went to bed. In fact, I think it started while I wrote my last post. Anywho, I'm laying there and I keep thinking, "oh man, I've got a freaking blood clot". No shit. I thought that. Then, this thought came to me -- "I'm gonna' die tonight cause of this stupid blood clot". I climbed into bed all quiet like, and pulled the covers up, and once I finally got comfortable, I started looking around the room. The hotel keys framed, hanging on the wall. The computer. The bass in the corner next to my pile of sweaters. And I just kept thinking, "wow, what if I don't wake up tomorrow? ... Oh well, I had a good run" and happily went to sleep. Woke up the next morning just fine, happy to be alive and whatnot.
Three. I have officially signed up for the fantasy baseball league. Consider your asses all whooped by the Vernons. Couldn't think of a name. First I thought of "The Pennypackers", but decided a nay because of the cheap, homosexual inference. Then it was "Ding-Dong and the Nut Sack Chorus", but the phalic implications, and the outright balls reference just sounded wrong to me. Not baseball material, you know? Like the Orioles, or the Cubs, or the Red Sox. Finally, it came down to either "The Red Hotz!" or "The Vernons" (the name of the street I live off). Either one, I thought. Flipped a coin, and wound up with the Vernons. In retrospect, I think I actually like the Red Hotz! better, but I'll manage ... to win my division! Boo-yeah!
Four. I watched a college student pretend to teach a sex education lesson to a group of his peers this afternoon. He had us take cards with phrases like "Unprotected Sex", "Mutual Masterbation", and "Anal Sex" on them and place them in the High Risk, Medium Risk, or Low Risk areas of the chalkboard. The group that put it up there had to explain their rationale on the placement of the card under a specific category. When it came time for the "Anal Sex" card he looked straight-faced at everyone and said, without blinking, "Now, who had anal sex?" You'd think that a bunch of twenty-somethings could control themselves in a situation like that, wouldn't you? You would be wrong. I was laughing so hard I almost cried.
Oh she may be weary / and young girls they do get wearied
Oral Sex: "Try a Little Tenderness" by Otis Redding, because it's safe.
Vaginal Sex: "Bloody Murderer" by Cursive, because it sounds cool.
Anal Sex: "Bastards" by Planes Mistaken for Stars, because it's so dirty.
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