Thursday, February 27, 2003


i'm back. and i'm pissed.

it's been 7 weeks to the day without my laptop computer. 7 fucking weeks. way back when, in a very typical thing for me to do, i tripped over the stupid power cord to my computer as it sat atop my coffee table (which never and will never see a drop of coffee). i ripped out the input slot plug-in hole thingy completely. part broke off inside the keyboard, and i could shake my computer like an expensive fucking maraca. i swore immensly, took it to best f'n buy, who then sent it to an unnamed third party, who kept it until yesterday when i finally got it back, fixed under warranty and ready to go. or so i thought. you see, it's fixed, but all my programs, all my files & documents, all my music, EVERYTHING, has been deleted. gone. forever. i never saved anything to disk or backed it up because the broken part never had anything to do with the memory. but no, best f'n buy tells me, they had to replace the entire system board, or the mother (fucking) board they call it, and that sometimes they have to reboot the computer entirely, restoring it to factory settings, and thus, they erased all my everything ever. so i'm back. but i'm heartbroken. i don't even have my fucking microsoft programs to do any sorta work requiring the written word. yes, i realize how dependent i am (we all are) on technology and possessions. oh well.



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