Monday, May 20, 2002


Springfield, IL

Putting Springfield, IL up there is kind of a misnomer seeing as how I've been within twenty miles of Arkansas at one point today. That's right, I put 650 miles on my car from 8:45am to 9:15pm. It was a long, long, long day, spent mostly listening to music in the driver's seat, wondering why the hell the post office hires as many idiots as they do. To make a long story short - went one place where I was supposed to pick up something and it wasn't there, and they say it's down somewhere else, and I go there, and it's there, but it's WAY down there. As in WAY down there. So, I did my thing, got the stuff, and got back in the car, drove back to Springfield, which seemed farther away than it actually was. Yuck.

Here's the stupid list of the albums I listened to on the way there and back. I know it's stupid, but I had to do it. And, without further hesitation:
(1) The Good Life Black Out: highly recommended. Growing on me by leaps and bounds.
(2) Strike Anywhere Change Is A Sound: I've already said enough about this.
(3) Woody Allen Standup Comic: Funny, but old. Some of the references escaped me. Ah well.
(4) The Get Up Kids Four Minute Mile: dudes, this is, like totally emo-tastic!
(5) Aimee Mann Magnolia Soundtrack: is there actually anything after her songs - I've never tried to listen.
(6) Matt Pond PA The Green Fury: I always forget that I like this album until I put it in.
(7) Braid The Age Of Octeen: mmm ...
(8) Marvin Gaye What's Going On?: Classic. Did you know that Motown didn't want to release this at first?
(9) Superchunk Here's Where The Strings Come In: I'm not hyper enough at all right now. So sleepy.
(10) Saves the Day Stay What You Are: why can't I stop listening to this album? I've got a theory.
(11) Foo Fighters The Colour and Shape: dudes, this is, like totally alterna-tastic!
(12) John Lennon The Legend Collection: Matt thinks I'm a hippy.
(13) The Honor System Single File: from the one ex-Slapstick band that actually rocks.
(14) Fugazi The Argument: yeah.

Wow, now that it's all typed out, I dislike it even more. Probably because I don't have much else to say, and this is the best that I can do. Whatev. I'm going to bed. G'night.


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