Monday, May 13, 2002


don't worry, i'll probably be around to provide sporadic posts about butts and things of the sort.

also, official happy panaphobic birthdays go out to both marc and zook. belacious. i've already given the hugs in person, but here's to you guys online-style, dooknards. we certainly tore it up and had fun this weekend, didn't we? wow we had so much fun. personal note: thanks to matt & marc, rick & luke, and everyone else for letting me stay on your couches and wizz in your faces.

i think we realized that it's either a.) kinda sad or b.) pretty cool to force out fun times and desperately hang on to college life like you're not grow(n/ing) up. i myself think b. but i'm a dork, of course. supposedly, it's also cool to take naps in public places like you're homeless. how's the new pad, chompers?

i just farted in my pants with my butt.


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