Sunday, May 19, 2002


lockheed lockheed martin marietta

I'm in the new apartment today. I'm in the new digs and I dig, if you can dig on what I'm saying. Oh lord, it's sweet sauce on a taco. It's tastier than the tastiest morsel of _____ (fill in favorite food here). Most everything's put in its place, I would say. I decided against the IKEA trip, as I have limited resources to spend. Chalk it up to Target and the something-or-other brand of cd racks that holds 456 albums. I'm nearly there. I've only got one more row to fill before I have to go out looking for a second one. Maybe next year.

Now, all I need is a new bookcase. They're all piled up against the wall just inside the door to my room, and I have no! idea what to do with them for the time being. It doesn't matter, really. I'm not going to be here all that much in the next few months, so I guess I can live with an eyesore for at least a little while. The television's on top of the dresser, and, for the first time in my collegiate career, my clothes are actually in my dresser, and not piled in, around, and/or on top of it. Huh? Who would've figured me for an organizer?

I've been to busy to write for the past few days, to be totally honest. My mouth is fucked, I've concluded. It's going good nowhere fast, and I think I have to break my streak and go to the dentist this Friday after I get off of work. I woke up super early yesterday and called around town to see if there were any urgent care places open - none. This conglomeration of corporate offices and upper-middle class white folks is sans a place to get your teeth cleaned/worked on during the weekends. Boo to that, kids. Boo, indeed.

I've also got Refused blasting on the stereo, which is in the window, to drown out the noise of the neighbor's smoking and yacking next door. As far as I can tell, they were out there from roughly noon until eight o'clock last night just yap-yap-yapping their little hearts out. I'm all for talking, but only between the hours of one and two in the morning, and only on the phone. So .. there. Put that in your pipe and leave me the fuck alone.


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