Sunday, May 12, 2002


Oh blah! I was going to write a story about the bar in Kankakee last night -- in fact, I already did -- but it was stupid looking and no one wants to read about Kankakee anyways, cause Kankakee's boring and stupid. That's why I don't live here anymore. And that's also why I erased it. I need to get used to doing that anyways. I always glom onto to stuff I write, like the good little archivist that I am.

Now, I'm just sitting around my parents' house in gym shorts and flip-flops, being a good little homeless guy. Last night the rest of the family came over to celebrate the birthday, and we basically just sat around exchanging stories for the most part. I could tell you how my oldest cousin accidentally got drunk at the ripe old age of two once, or how my cousin's husband runs a car dealership and was almost arrested because someone kept stealing dealer's plates from his lot to rob houses and the genius cops in town thought that it was actually said cousin's husband! that was robbing the houses, and he basically was let off the hook because as a few cops went to go question/arrest his ass they also found a car with said dealer's plates on them and were in pursuit of the real burglar (not the Hamburglar, mind you). So ... yeah ... my family's funny to me.

My grandpa literally spent all night telling me to come over and listen to his jazz albums. I love that man to death. He's nearly 80 years old, he's been in jazz bands almost his entire life. You've got to respect that.

Finally, my little brother has my cd's playing in the living room, and I'm hoping they sink in, cause I love the kid, but he's way too "John Deere/Linkin Park" style for his own good.


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