Wednesday, January 30, 2002


I'm waiting for the iron to cool down before I bring it back upstairs to our neighbors. We've had differences in the past with one of their roommates, but when it comes down to it, they're alright cats. One of them even came down to ask us whether or not her dress looked alright last week. I had to be honest, it made her breasts look gargantuan, which they kind of are anyways, but it like completely enhanced and upgraded them. She just kind of smiled. No one around here takes me too seriously. Its best that way.

Its finally cold and drizzly, and supposedly supposed to be icy soon, down here. Thank the Holy Hand Grenade for that. It should've been like this two and a half months ago. I don't know if Mother Nature was asleep behind the wheel, or what, but it finally feels like home. And, as a bonus introduction into the wintery weather, I somehow got a flat tire tonight on my drive back from Taco Bell. Great! I had to pull over, sans gloves and stocking cap, in below freezing weather and put on a spare. Sonofabitch. It only took twenty minutes, and I cracked my window a bit in the back, so it was kind of like having a Welcoming Party for the new snow. Now all I have to do is get two more tires for the back of my car, and I'll be set. Clay Dooley Auto Repair, here I come, bright and early tomorrow morning at 11am.

I have nothing to do for tomorrow's classes. Nothing. What's wrong with this picture? I should be sprawled out on the couch, with 200+ pages of a novel nestled on top of my dunlap, trying not to fall asleep. I shouldn't be thinking about working ahead. I never work ahead. I was going to clean my room, but I know it'll just get messy again, so what's the point? Kind of like making the bed or tying and untying shoes. Why did my Mom always get so mad at me for not untying my shoes at night? You should've seen her. She would make me put them back on and untie them, and then take them off again.

Whatev. She turns 50 on Saturday. We're taking her out to dinner in Wheaton. Scooter, you going to be home? Maybe we can have a few beers, and eat nachos, and watch some football (pre-game commentary). Out.


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