Tuesday, November 27, 2001


Why the hell have I been waiting to update? Because I don't have much to say? Because I still haven't showered today, and am still wearing the exact same clothes I slept in last night (for absolutely no reason)? Because I got a phat A- on a paper that I thought was going to be a C or worse? Because I've pissed at least 23 times today, and am holding one in right now?

I couldn't tell you. A combination of all of the above I guess.

My laziness is killing me. I was supposed to have 4 papers due by the end of this week, and 1 scene re-enactment for next week. Now, I have 1 paper due this week, 3 papers due next week, and still the scene re-enactment in the same spot. Bend me over and fuck me in the ass. I've decided to stop going to my educational psychology class. Already have a B. I'll just go to the final, guess, and go home. Won't hurt me, which is nice.

I need money. Do you have any? Vegas doesn't take credit ... as far as I know.


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