Wednesday, November 28, 2001


In the back of my head I have this little voice that keeps saying things like, "you have so much to do, what are you thinking? Drinking on a Tuesday night, two weeks before finals? Have you gone mad? What is your reasoning?" The Stadium ***1*** just doesn't do it for me looks wise. The walls are bare, with the occasional neon beer sign, and silly banners that fratboys steal and put up in their apartments. The seats make my ass sweat. I wish I didn't have to admit this, but its true. I've got swass after I leave the Bar, no matter how long I've been there. Tonight, I was there for a little under three hours. You do the math. The attractive people don't visit the Bar, which I kind of like. I've never fancied myself a good eye-shag, and I don't think very many other people have either, so it kind of seems fitting that I hang out at a bar where there aren't many eye-shags, if any at all.

The attractive folk hang out at the bars downtown, or simply jet on the weekends, which kind of works out for everyone. We can all get drunk and look at whatever we want, and they don't have to surround themselves with subpar eye candy?

What the hell am I saying?

***1*** Heretofore, and most likely previously, known as "The Bar".


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