If I could be a rockstar, I'd be ... Travis Morrison of the Dismemberment Plan b/c he's one of the few men on this planet that I'd like to kiss - just to see what it's like.
If I could be a town, I'd be ... Bag End, the Shire, Middle Earth. Geeky enough for you?
If I could be a computer, I'd be ... Bill Gate's computer. He's probably got some killer programs, and some primo porn.
If I could be a type of cheese, I'd be ... Muenster cheese b/c it has an aftertaste to die for.
If I could be a post office, I'd be ... one of any of the post offices on the Aleutian Islands in Alaska, cause you know they aren't ever going to see any of that anthrax shite that's going around. Word to remotality.
Spent tonight alternating between driving and writing. Not a bad night, if you ask me. Got most of a grammar paper done that isn't due until Friday, and even found time to go over to my boy, Luke's house and play some poker. I lost a few bucks, but who's really counting? We played for change. Vegas. Must practice. Vegas.
The Mish has got my back if I'm ever in Australia, which is a good thing so far as I can tell. She's straightedge, so she'd prolly get annoyed after ten minutes of hanging out with us in the states on a Friday night, but that's o.k. Straightedge kids have feelings too. We can always give you some truck stop speed and a six pack of Cokes and turn you loose on the Normal kids, Mish. Once again, I'm laughing heartily on the inside.
I wrote for about two hours tonight on the pronoun "he". After that, nothing else seems to make sense. And I've got this wicked heartburn thing going on, which seriously is leading me to believe that I'm way older than my parents originally told me I was. Between the gut and the lack of a sex drive, I'd say I'm somewhere between 60 and 100. I just don't have any grey hairs, and my balls don't sag past down my knees. Maybe I've got that disease where you just age really fast, and get all kinds of wicked diseases prematurely (like my bout with psoriasis of the liver).
And, if you believe anything that read in the above statement, you're a moron. Except for maybe the gut, though we here like to call them "dunlaps". Zook can explain it better than I can. Bug him.
If I could be a rockstar, I'd be ... Travis Morrison of the Dismemberment Plan b/c he's one of the few men on this planet that I'd like to kiss - just to see what it's like.
If I could be a town, I'd be ... Bag End, the Shire, Middle Earth. Geeky enough for you?
If I could be a computer, I'd be ... Bill Gate's computer. He's probably got some killer programs, and some primo porn.
If I could be a type of cheese, I'd be ... Muenster cheese b/c it has an aftertaste to die for.
If I could be a post office, I'd be ... one of any of the post offices on the Aleutian Islands in Alaska, cause you know they aren't ever going to see any of that anthrax shite that's going around. Word to remotality.
Spent tonight alternating between driving and writing. Not a bad night, if you ask me. Got most of a grammar paper done that isn't due until Friday, and even found time to go over to my boy, Luke's house and play some poker. I lost a few bucks, but who's really counting? We played for change. Vegas. Must practice. Vegas.
The Mish has got my back if I'm ever in Australia, which is a good thing so far as I can tell. She's straightedge, so she'd prolly get annoyed after ten minutes of hanging out with us in the states on a Friday night, but that's o.k. Straightedge kids have feelings too. We can always give you some truck stop speed and a six pack of Cokes and turn you loose on the Normal kids, Mish. Once again, I'm laughing heartily on the inside.
I wrote for about two hours tonight on the pronoun "he". After that, nothing else seems to make sense. And I've got this wicked heartburn thing going on, which seriously is leading me to believe that I'm way older than my parents originally told me I was. Between the gut and the lack of a sex drive, I'd say I'm somewhere between 60 and 100. I just don't have any grey hairs, and my balls don't sag past down my knees. Maybe I've got that disease where you just age really fast, and get all kinds of wicked diseases prematurely (like my bout with psoriasis of the liver).
And, if you believe anything that read in the above statement, you're a moron. Except for maybe the gut, though we here like to call them "dunlaps". Zook can explain it better than I can. Bug him.
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