Saturday, October 06, 2001


Would you be an outlaw for my love?

Pick up the new issue of Rolling Stone to find a David Foster Wallace article about Bloomington, Illinois. AKA my current hometown. Sample footnote: "despite some people's impression, the native accent isn't Southern but simply rural, whereas corporate transplants have no accent at all (in her phrase, State Farm people 'sound like the people on TV'"

Fighting...Maybe its cos I grew up with wrestlers, but I have always felt completely safe in violent situations. When you have friends who weigh 125 pounds that can and have beat the everlasting shit out of men twice their size and shape, you start not to worry. Everytime there was a fight in high school, I could just watch and let it go the way it would, cos my friends almost always were either kicking ass or watching next to me. Coming here it got different, cos most of my friends here tend to avoid physical conflict. Even when the verbal assaultage is high, they maintain some kind of cool. One word of anger towards most of friends from the thrill/aurora, however, meant you were getting dropped. Know this: I never fought nor condoned fighting. But trying to stop my friends from fighting/thinking about fighting was like trying to stop a George Dubya from pausing during speeches.

Specifically, I'm thinking of this party I went to two summers ago***!***and a couple of PIHOW***2*** got into this argument with a teenage kid who was attempting to "crash the party". My friend C., it was his house, told him to leave. He decided it was better to stay. C. and a few other guys quietly locked the front and back doors of the house and waited. The kid starts getting nervous, and makes a break for it. Finds the door locked, and can't figure out how to unlock it. They got him on the ground. But that wasn't the strange part. The strange part was a PIHOW getting so angry that HE couldn't be a part of the assault that he nearly broke down the glass back door to get in. The fighting I was used to, and I didn't even watch. As far as I'm concerned, I was 21 and invited, and this kid was just outta high school and had been asked to leave and had refused. The doors were locked, I couldn't do anything about it. I felt bad for the kid, but wouldn't go as far as to be on his side. What I couldn't understand was someone actually getting angry that they WEREN't a part of the violence, even though they didn't know what was going on. That bothers me.

And who knew the format would look good on both Netscape AND Internet Explorer? Wonderous, Marcie...

Next five: "Avenues" by whiskeytown; "late at night" by buffalo tom; "pissed off 2 a.m" by alejandro escovedo; "hip hop" by mos def; and "boxing" by ben folds five.

in the stereo: mixtapes I made for Ryan, some kid screaming in the stairwell of her apartment building.

***!***Yes, my friends still fight as collegians. Most of them are far from scholarly.
***2***And let me take this opportunity to quantify "friends" as "people I hung out with" or PIHOW's. My really great friends are tough dudez, but they don't go out looking for damage. Better.


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