I'm going to be completely honest here - I don't really care who likes me or who doesn't like me. I used to, but it has ceased to bother me. I have my tiny circle of friends that I know trust me, and that I trust, and I'm content. And using phrases like "punk community" and "indie scene" mean nothing to me. I'm sure that kind of thing used to exist, but I'm also fairly certain that it doesn't anymore - at least not here in Bloomtown. Sure, most of the people that are into it know who each other are and whatnot, but it's nothing like a big "scene" where everyone's got each others backs and whatnot. Certain groups of people just plain don't get along with others - whether it be the jocks vs. the dorks, or the indie kids vs. the ska kids. Doesn't matter. We're never going to all get along, and I think its kind of sad, but whatever. Deal with it.
The one thing that gets me about this whole anonymous finger pointing deal is that no one thinks they're in the wrong. We all are, all of the time. We all say and do stupid shit that we end up knowing we shouldn't have. But that's life, and we need to get over it. Was I drunk, yelling things that I shouldn't have been yelling? Yes. Do I care? No. Were there people (on the other side of this argument) that were drunk, and yelling things at people that I care about? Yes, there was. And they were picking on someone that didn't live here - a friend of mine who came down for the first time this year to see what weekends were like. He didn't deserve that kind of treatment from absolute strangers. I do, but they weren't doing it to me. But, am I mad? No. I got over it.
Calling people "elitists" is also going a bit overboard, too. Save the whole religion thing, I don't think that my opinions are any better than anyone elses. And, I know that Zach doesn't think his carry anymore weight than yours. Call us "elitists" and I'll call you a moron. Especially if it comes to the "punk scene". For fuck's sake, I still own more than one Enigma CD. How's that for being an elitist?
I'm going to be completely honest here - I don't really care who likes me or who doesn't like me. I used to, but it has ceased to bother me. I have my tiny circle of friends that I know trust me, and that I trust, and I'm content. And using phrases like "punk community" and "indie scene" mean nothing to me. I'm sure that kind of thing used to exist, but I'm also fairly certain that it doesn't anymore - at least not here in Bloomtown. Sure, most of the people that are into it know who each other are and whatnot, but it's nothing like a big "scene" where everyone's got each others backs and whatnot. Certain groups of people just plain don't get along with others - whether it be the jocks vs. the dorks, or the indie kids vs. the ska kids. Doesn't matter. We're never going to all get along, and I think its kind of sad, but whatever. Deal with it.
The one thing that gets me about this whole anonymous finger pointing deal is that no one thinks they're in the wrong. We all are, all of the time. We all say and do stupid shit that we end up knowing we shouldn't have. But that's life, and we need to get over it. Was I drunk, yelling things that I shouldn't have been yelling? Yes. Do I care? No. Were there people (on the other side of this argument) that were drunk, and yelling things at people that I care about? Yes, there was. And they were picking on someone that didn't live here - a friend of mine who came down for the first time this year to see what weekends were like. He didn't deserve that kind of treatment from absolute strangers. I do, but they weren't doing it to me. But, am I mad? No. I got over it.
Calling people "elitists" is also going a bit overboard, too. Save the whole religion thing, I don't think that my opinions are any better than anyone elses. And, I know that Zach doesn't think his carry anymore weight than yours. Call us "elitists" and I'll call you a moron. Especially if it comes to the "punk scene". For fuck's sake, I still own more than one Enigma CD. How's that for being an elitist?
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