Wednesday, October 03, 2001


P.S. I wasn't making fun of your friends. Or maybe I was, but not directly. IF you want to assume that the people who left were all your friends, go ahead, but I don't think they were. A lot more than 10 people left that show early. They wanted to leave early, and that is their choice. It is my choice, however, to say to them "you fucked up". Cos they missed a great band playing their asses off. Again, their choice. As Max Fischer says, "I'm no elitist". I listen to what I like, and if you don't like it I try to get you to like it. IF that doesn't work, and you want your Three Doors Down or whatev, that I'll go fuck myself. but it is just as much my choice/right to try as it your right to say "fuck off". To take away the right of someone to be critical is to take away the right to be free is to die.

Let me add that the guys in question here have been nothing but stand-off-ish with me in the past. I am, by most accounts, a fairly level headed guy. I don't like to fight, I don't give dirty looks without reason. IN the past, the guys in question have never treated Marcie nor I nor Scott with any respect. Not even an ounce of it. Therefore, I feel neither guilty nor angry in my stance that I don't want to be around them. That's not a call to action from me, but a flag of truce. they don't want to be civil to me, fine. We'll leave each other alone. Just don't act like these kids are innocent and are truly respectful people. They make fun of us, they have their little inside jokes about us, and you know what? We have them too. Don't act like they don't bring their own attitude into play. don't act as if they want to be part of a "Community" when we all know they just want to watch their friend's band. And I would respect that, if they showed the same kind of respect. If they didn't shoot me dirty looks at parties. If they didn't show hostile feelings towards me&mine. If they didn't size me up every time they see me. And these are not your personal friends, friend, they are the friends of your good friends. The fact that I run into them once every four months makes me happy. To call me an elitist for saying to them "You don't get it" is like if I called you a jerk cos you hang out with them. You're not a jerk. They are your friends, and you have a history with them. Yet I can't be forced to give them the same kind of respect just because I think you're a great person. To force that on me is like me forcing you to listen to my music. And I don't mean for this to be directed at one person, but to everyone who takes the time to read this.

Much love

of punk as a "community".


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