Wednesday, September 19, 2001


In the sun, sun, having fun, it's in my blood. I just can't help it.****1****

Maybe it's just me, but when I ask someone how their summer was, and they say "Oh, it was cool", or whatev, and they don't mention that they were on the Price is Right, and by on I mean actually a contestant, I tend to get a bit confused.

See, my good friend Julie, who I've had at least five classes with here at ILLstu, and I had the whole "how was yer summer" thing on the 1st day of our Senior Seminar Class, and she told me about working at Yellowstone for two months, and driving across the country, and being in Los Angeles. All of this took about 45 seconds, bless her heart and modesty. Mine took about 5 minutes, and all I did this summer was cut aluminum siding and talk to Ryan on the telephone***2***and make fun of Marcie and Amplified.

So yesterday, in the midst of a co-students rant about the Structuralists, Julie sighs and grabs my datebook while I am in the midst of checking out what shows I'll get to see in the coming weeks***3***, and goes to October 18th and writes down JULIE IS ON THE PRICE IS RIGHT, 10 a.m. Now, when
Most people say they are going to be "on" the Price is Right, they mean they are in the audience. So I jokingly write down AUDIENCE OR CONTESTANT and she circles CONTESTANT. And I'm impressed, and give her a non-verbal communique suggesting so. Next to it she writes, nonchallantly I WON A BOAT :)***4***.

I'll break it down for you:
A. She was a CONTESTANT on the price is right, meaning her name was called by that silver suited anamoly.
B. She fucking BID ONE DOLLAR and WON, something everyone who knows anything about the show knows is the best fucking bid to make if you want to win.
C. She kissed Bob Barker.
D. She played an unnamed game and WON, her prize a rather substantial Speed Boat.
E. She got to spin the Wheel.

That's more in one day than I've done in an entire lifetime, as far as cool shit goes. And she waits until the FIFTH week to tell me about it. She went home last weekend and saw the boat, and she's going to sell it. This dude Art who BLARGS with the Hero's friend Dan won a Mustang at a grocery store last year, and he sold it and it bumped him into a new tax bracket. When I yelled at her after class for not telling me, she told me to shut up, she doesn't want anyone to know. Ida been broadcasting that shit around like the fucking BBC.

I just saw Marcie, and he took a shower. Without washing his hair, which is something I've always been fascinated by. yer in the shower, the shampoo is there, why not wash yer hair?!?!?!?! Cleanliness, in my opinion, is 1/2 in the scalp and face.***5***

P.S. I saw the Simpsons DVD package last night, and it looks great. Hopefully we can look forward to being able to Zoom in on Homer's face when he says something funny. Like "OK, ten beers". Hoo, hoo. Yeah.

Next five: the last five songs on the Strokes "Is this It". I'm hooked and hooked.

In the stereo: guess.

***2****And that doesn't mean it wasn't exciting. Cough.
***3***Hey Mercedes&Burning Airlines&Rival Schools at HighDive; Ryan Adams at Park West; Strokes at Metro (maybe).
***4***That's a smiley face.:( that's a frown.
***5***No bald jokes.


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