Tuesday, September 18, 2001


Sitting in class, supposed to be writing an email to myself about the connections between "experience", "meaning", and "cognitive associations". But ... I say "fuck it". There's a new chick in this class who looks and dresses like the girl in the leather coat from Saved By The Bell. I don't remember her name. She replaced Jessie, methinks. Anyone else know the info?

Now that things have calmed down a little, it's time to get back to normal around here. We'll start with a review of Ben Folds' new album "Rocking The Suburbs". Being a huge Ben Folds Five fan, centered mostly around S/T and Whatever and Ever, Amen, I'd like to say that this solo project is both worthwhile and disappointing at the same time. He plays almost all the instruments, and if you're familiar with him at all, you know that he's just about as talented musically as they come. No qualms there. The main problem is that it sounds like a Ben Folds Five record ... which I like and dislike at the same time. The title track is the first single, and revolves around the guitar, bass, drums method, but unfortunately it's mainly the only track like that. For the most part, he keeps to the bass, piano, drums combo, which might be getting a little played out - at least with him. I found myself humming old melodies from his previous albums on more than a few songs. And that's also why I think I like it ... it's familiar. So, there you have it. An odd catch 22. I wanted the guy to take a few chances, and I was disappointed when he didn't, but I'm okay with it because he's still writing the songs that I like to hear.

Standout Track- "Still Fighting It". Worth buying just for this song. Trust me.