Wednesday, August 01, 2001

Zook Incandenza

I've got yer letters and he's got you.

Ten (or so) things Beautiful from tonight's episode of the Family Guy aka the world's greatest un-p.c. television show.:
10. Greg the Weather Mime. Newsman translating his movements: "Greg's mother is spraying fecal matter all over the street...oh wait...that means rain..."
9. "Awkward moment? I'll give you awkward moment. One time during sex I called Lois Frank. Yer move, Sherlock."
--Peter to Nigel, the British man who takes over his favorite bar.
8. Stewie looking at Eliza***1***'s bottom, saying "Eh...", and then taking a swig from his juice box.
7. "You know why I married you Lois? It's not just the rack or the caboose. It's that big sexy brain of yours."
---Peter to Lois, after which he licks her face.
6. "So you ladies ever been penetrated?"
---Quagmire to a lesbian couple who are kissing. Seconds later he is booted from the club.
5. I Remember Cecil: Peter's idea of a British Action film, staring Ahnold and Sly Stallone.
4. From Quahog's Time Life Cerial Killer Series: John the Biter
3. Eliza: "Ew...Yer breath smells like kitty litter!"
Stewie: "I was curious!"
2. Fire breathing bugs.
1. That awful awful awful commercial from that awful awful movie Jay and Bob Strike back from that awful awful Kevin Smith.

And my mom and I are arguing cuz she says her friend's son played the Metro a few weeks back and they made 2 THOUSAND DOLLARS as a local band opening on a Saturday. I told her that her friend was mistaken, that not even moderately popular touring bands make that much without a guarantee, but she is adamant that they made that much. Someone help me out.

And a storm is heading our way, which equals lower temps tomorrow, which equals a happy Zach. Which equals something I haven't seen since I had to leave my Lady Friend***2***

Next five have been delayed by radio static.
in the stereo: some stupid home decorating show where actors host rich couples. Not the one on TLC, cuz that girl is NOT AN ACTOR.
***1***(Nigel's daughter, who is stricken with an awful Cockney accent which Stewie is trying to erradicate)
***2***The title is making a comeback...but it means so much more now then it did way back in the day. Like April. That way back.


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