Saturday, August 04, 2001


Bloomtown, USA! 9,115 miles.

I took three (gigantic) baby-steps across the country yesterday, ending up in my bed at 4am - content, smiling, and exhausted. The same guy who'd been following me around Montana all week, packing up the equipment, once again showed up in Billings after telling me that he probably wouldn't make it - and that it'd take the dolts he works with about five times longer than him to do the job. No problem. We were out by 1pm, so as I saw it, I had 2 distinct choices - Choice 1: Go back to the hotel, lay comatose until 6am the next morning to begin series of flights home. Another Friday night in some unfamiliar state/city/part of the country being bored out of my skull. Choice 2: Say "fuck it!" AND head back to the hotel, grab my shit, and take off straight to the airport.

I opted for selection 2. Flew Billings to Salt Lake City, SLC to Denver, Denver to Chicago, drove the two hours home. YAR!!!! Got home, played my guitar, opened up my new mixtape from Michelle [who just so happens to run one of my favorite BLARGs], and rocked out for a while.

Strange Things I Heard/Saw Yesterday, En Route: (1) A man having a fight with his wife/girlfriend/daughter over the phone in a suspiciously un-crowded Billings Airport. "I don't mean to upset you, but you always look like you're mad at me, honey. Don't yell at me! Shut Up! Shut UP when I'm talking to you!" Tried my hardest not to listen (w/my face buried in Infinite Jest), but we were two of the three people in the 30 square-foot area, and he was practically yelling. (2) A military man complaining to a pilot about his flight being cancelled in SLC, thus taking a different plane, and fucking up his traveling plans. The pilot just stood there, intensely chewing his gum, trying to ignore the guy, but the Army-man wouldn't give it up. He then proceeded to explain what it's like to fly in an airplane. Who tells a pilot what it's like to fly? Honestly. (3) Not really strange, more along the lines of most attractive looking woman I've ever seen - Denver. I think she looked at me once ... ahhhhh. (4) Traffic jam in Chicago - 1:30am. 15 minutes to drive 1.5 miles. Only in Illinois. (5) Not really strange, more like beautiful - MY BED!

No more BLARGs for me this weekend. I'm chilling.