Friday, August 03, 2001


No time for formalities.

Top Reasons to Pay for HBO: (1) Reverb - A showcase for live BANDS (ie- Coldplay, Remy something, & Creeper Lagoon). First show airs next Wednesday with aforementioned groups. Finally, someone jumping on the fact that live bands still exist. (2) Six Feet Under - An excellent new program by the guy who penned American Beauty. Writing = above average. Acting = way above average (including that chick from Can't Hardly Wait). Overall = somewhere between above/way above average. (3) Soprano's - I put this one in for Zach. I'm not a huge fan, but I do like it when I watch.My ultimate goal is to get him to pay for HBO so I can go to his apartment and watch it. (4) Hard Knocks - Documentary about the Baltimore Ravens upcoming season. First episode = training camp. There is nothing (repeat - nothing) better than watching pissed-off, millionaire, grossly-overweight, veteran lineman rip into rookies b/c they only signed a 5 year/$6.1 million dollar contract. "Who's your agent? Fire him!" Only in professional sports [and only on HBO b/c "It's not TV, it's HBO].

Top Reason(s) to Not Pay for HBO: (1) Because They Show Terrible Movies - No explanation necessary.

We hear at the Hero are supposedly a group of four, though it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that only three post regularly. In lieu of this, I have asked Mr. Hansford if he would be interested in showcasing some of his photography on the site, since he obviously lacks the determination to post on a regular basis. The guy's stuff is amazing. I'm hoping he can scan some of his work this weekend so I can start putting it up next week. I did that photo page, and now I'm chomping at the bit to do another one. Maybe we should get our own domain name and go hollographic on this mo-fo. Please, keep an eye out in the next week or two for Jesse's stuff. You won't be disappointed.