Tuesday, July 24, 2001


Sometimes it’s like someone took a knife baby, edgy and dull, and cut a six-inch valley through the middle of my soul. At night I wake up with the sheets soaking wet and a freight train running through the middle of my head. Only you can cool my desire.

I’m on fire. Or, more specifically,
the boss is on fire. Some may already know this, Christ I may already have BLARGED this, but I have a major aversion to the word “soul” as the word to describe that place inside of us that gives us beauty and regret and happiness and contentedness. I prefer to call it “heart”, but only because I am the type of guy who prefers to keep everything in the physical realm, i.e. I only believe in what I can see, taste, touch, smell, hear. That doesn’t mean I don’t believe in after-life, because if I didn’t this life would get dizzying some times, the amount of shit we have to bear. This also does not mean I have no spiritual side, though that’s open to another can of worms. What it does mean is that I avoid speaking of things I don’t know to exist. As Witt says in “The thin red line”, “what if we all got one big soul?”.

My hate for AOL gets deeper each day. Twice today the inactivity clause has been sprawled upon me. Makes me wanna put on my protesting clothes and my swimming goggles.

One word for you: Aspergum. I was amazingly sick one time in college and the only thing that pulled me out of it was a constant barrage of Water and a healthy supply of the too-hard-to-get Orange flavored salve known as Aspergum. Pneumonia doesn’t stand a chance, plus its tasty like the bakery***1***

Sitting in an uncomfortable chair in front of a computer I despise watching the Cubs score 5 RUNS IN ONE INNING and then 3 MORE (!!!!) in ANOTHER inning!!! This is what being a Yankees fan must feel like***2***! Now I’m listening to “bleed American” which sounds good, almost too good for its own good. Good. I mean I like it, of course, I’m a fan. I am a Jimmy Eat world fan. I just think they could have branched out Producer wise and avoided that hole they’ve been barely stepping over in the recent past. I’m almost considering listening to the Demos instead, if only for the fact that they sound more like the guys do in real life***3***. It’ll grow on me, I’m sure.

I went out for an hour today to buy a magazine and get the record, and I saw FOUR different people with Vagrant shirts they had obviously bought last night. The crazy thing is three of them were Dashboard Confessional shirts. One guy had his tucked in. I’m no fashion nazi, I mean I wear the same things pretty much all the time***4***, but one thing I DO KNOW is that tucking in T-shirts is for grandpas and gymnasts and d.bags.

See you at the show? Show. Sho’. I’ll be the one yelling “Dirty Work”. You be the one carrying the amulet, crying yer eyes out.

The next five songs on yer radio in a perfect world would be: “our weekend starts on Wednesday” by the hey Mercedes machine***5***; “my hometown” by the boss; “the authority song” by jimmy eat world”; “what will you say” by jeff buckley; and “mine and yours” by david mead.

In the stereo: cubs 9 pirates 0

***1***Unless yer from the Thrill or adjacent areas, you won’t get this joke. See, there is a bakery here called Tasty Bakery…oh never mind.
***2***Minus the bad accent and the predisposition to thinking their trash is better than ours…
***3***I.e. on stage, where you can see them again on September 15th. With another good band.
***4***anyone (besides you, Ryan and Christine) remember my blue baseball shirt? Christ a group of girls made identical shirts knowing that I would wear it to a party at the end of my Junior year. Sad but true.
***5***Microsoft Spell check made me capitalize the M.


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