Wednesday, July 25, 2001


Day Four: 1, 654 miles, South Bend, Indiana - If you were paying super special attention from yesterday, you'll notice that the number of miles actually decreased (though I drove from one side of Little Rock to the other, hopped on a plane, flew to Chicago, got into my own car, drove to South Bend, and worked a six-hour shift). I'm going to be honest with you all, I accidentally credited 1,000 extra miles to myself on Day 1, for almost no reason at all (truth be told, I'm not using to flying such short distances (ie- Chicago to Arkansas). I've always been more of the Chicago to Los Angeles/San Francisco/Seattle/Denver-type-fellow, but my bosses both screwed me this week. b/c I've been so used to flying 1,000+ miles, I instantly added an extra 1,000 miles to my tally, but luckily we're all squared away now) Sorry about the mistake. I'll try to be more careful.

Does anyone else occassionally "Think in Blog"?

I hope you all get what I'm saying. I find that sometimes - when I'm doing extremely mindless activities - my mind actually switches over to BLARG mode. Like today, for example, I was under the counter at this post office in South Bend, connecting some cables, sliding some periferals into place, when my mind just started thinking as if it were typing out a post - There are basically three reasons I didn't want to go back to work this summer: (1) I despise getting dirty (and have gotten rather comfortable w/my showering schedule, and felt no need to throw a wrench into the whole program) (2) I loathe crawling underneath dirty counters, not knowing what kind of rodent, bug, mammall, or door-knocking snail (see MFGL @ the links on the side) I'll encounter (this does include rats and mice, which I have seen, and both of which terrify me - dead or alive ) & (3) b/c I've become increasingly fed up with summer road construction and its plots to keep me from my final destination - "wherever that may be"courtesy slogan of United Airlines. Why does this happen? I never used to think this way - which is a fact, considering I didn't even know what a BLARG was before December, or so - but now I do it all the time.

Reminds me of a conversation I had with someone, though I'm not quite certain who, about putting a BLARG chip in everyone's heads so we could just kind of read about everyone's day. But that kind of fell through once we realized that about the only people that would consistently interesting pages were Vietnam Vets (namely those that experience odd flashbacks) and Schizophrenics. Everyone else's would be more along the lines of "I hate my job, I hate my job, I hate my job, mmmm ... invisible cola, I hate my job" & "I love my boy/girl-friend, I love my boy/girlfriend, they're all that I think about all the time, mmm ... me, I love loving my boy/girl-friend". Plus, another downside would be those embarassing moments when some kind of sexual thought floats up into the ol' cranium. I'm not too sure that I'd want to read about someone's fantasies, and I'm almost positive that no one I know would want to read about any of mine (and I'm not saying I'm kinky, I'm just saying that they'd be pretty grossed out at trying to picture me ... you get the point, I won't take this any further).

I almost deleted those last few sentences, and I'm not too sure that I shouldn't hack back in and do it right now. You let one fly, and you let one fly, right?