Thursday, June 21, 2001


Helpful Hint: Never (repeat - Never) try to read John Milton's Book 9 of Paradise Lost while slightly/somewhat/mildly inebriated. It just doesn't work. Are we all on the same page now?

I'm bumping the old Honor System album right now. I'm okay with it.

Last night was a little odd. We were standing outside (everyone was smoking, of course, except for me) when we start hearing these monkey-like calls coming from about a block away. Two of the crew start walking towards them, suddenly the monkey calls turned into "hey, what's up?" "come here". Now, the whole crew is walking in that direction. Within fifteen minutes, I find myself in an apartment on Cherry Street, surrounded by five males that I know, and about seven females I don't know. I get kind of itchy in strange situations like that, not to mention the fact that my friends were all being completely obnoxious. I just kind of sat there, taking in the action going on, eventually standing up, saying "i'm going to go get another beer" and walked out the door. I never went back. Too strange.

That's when I remembered I still had some Milton left to read for class this morning. I'll be honest- I got about three pages in and then fell straight to sleep, window open, candles burning like mad, lights still on. Woke up at 7am to the phone ringing (it was my roommates boss telling him that he could come in later - I'm surprised I remember that).
