Monday, April 09, 2001

Zach "Doomed" Kuhn

Yer breaking hearts, heartbreakin' man.

Tiger Woods wins blah blah blah Zach's fantasy team sucks blah blah blah No one is posting on their BLARGs this morning blah blah blah. Blah.

My math teacher's sister died this weekend, thus we had a soft-spoken woman today. She had to hold a microphone and talked like a 6 year old girl. Needless to say the morons around me took that as a sign to talk louder than ever. D-Bags.

Still reeling from the great weekend, about to start withdrawal as there are no shows to see this week. Scratch that:
one on friday. Apparently there's no way to find out for sure, but since Easter is this Sunday I'm guessing we won't have to buy tickets beforehand. Usually there are 3 shows a night at Parkway, so we'll see what happens. I haven't read anything or watched the trailers so I'm fully unaware of any new developments. Dig it.

Seriously have some time to waste, so I'm bout to nap. Keep it real up in the deal.


The next five songs on your radio in a perfect world would be: "heartbreakin man" by my morning jacket; "wood and glue" by annie hayden; "Please don't be My Maude Gonne" by chris lee; "trouble" by coldplay; and "our weekend starts on wednesday" by hey mercedes.

in the stereo: ESPN


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