Saturday, April 21, 2001

Zach "Pre" Kuhn

The suspense must be appaling among those who have total confidence in their sprinting ability.

Watching Without Limits starring the always wonderful Billy Crudup and the somewhat wonderful Donald Sutherland. Plus the pink power ranger plays a gymnast who gets, shall we say, freaked in a special kinda way. Wow. My friend Guy***1*** had a sister who was an ice skater whose best friend could put one leg all the way up a door frame while keeping the other on the ground. My other friend tried to make out with her, but she didn't dig his goatee. You know who you are.

So Memento. I won't say anything specific about it unless ye've seen it. Here'r some random things you'll need to know:
1. Guy Pearce is in it. Ryan describes him as a "perfect match of brad pitt and arnold schwarzeneger". I describe him as a man's man: tough but with that "other" side to him.
2. The film goes backwards, starting with the "end".
3. Carrie-Anne Moss is in it. SHe was Trinity in The Matrix. Simply stunning.
4. You cannot, for any reason, do any of the following things while viewing the film: go to the bathroom, eat popcorn, get pissed off because you don't get it (you will, don't worry), leave early, or make-out with yer girlfriend while Newman sits behind you.

And so it goes.

The next five songs on yer radio in a perfect world would be "anything you want" by spoon; "bitter strings" by jealous sound; "regionalists" by; "non-equivalents" by juno; and "atlantic city" by the boss.

In the stereo: the moody blues via without limits.

***1***His dad's name is Guy David the second, his dad's name is Guy David the First. My Guy is the third.


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