Friday, April 20, 2001


Plans are in the works, plans are in the works, the plans have begun to work. And to think, it's day number two of my journey homeward.

I'm going to try and get in touch with my seventeen year-old-self today. That would mean I'd have to do a few things differently. 1) Listen to Rage Against the Machine for the bulk of the day (NOTE: Evil Empire blaring through the h-phones as we write) 2) I'd have to have long hair, which I'm working on. Haven't cut the bitch for going on six weeks now. Getting a little shaggy. Time to bust out the comb. 3) I'd have to talk on the phone a whole lot. This probably isn't going to happen. I've lost all my patience for the phone. Couldn't say why, really, just kind of grew apart. I'm sorry, Mr. Phoney. 4) I'd have to argue with my Mom about something. This is a definite "no". Unless I call her up and tell her that "the sky is made of phosporescent stars on long strings". If she disagrees, I might be in business. 5) HEY REVOLVER! DON'T MOTHERS MAKE GOOD FATHERS? Indeed, they do.

Cheers to Scooter on his four post day. That should be a song name. And now, here is TAKING THE MOON BY STORM with their HIT single "Four Post Day". A little too much like Four Cornered Night though. Oh well. It was a good rip-off thought. And valid, too.

Okay, time to do postal things, like travel vouchers and go through people's mail and start stealing graduation money and the like. May's a good month. .. strike that . .. a very good month.

My friend Bob, when we was growing up, used to go through people's mailboxes and steal shit. He and this other dude even made a bomb once and were going to blow one up, but they got caught by the cops. The Bourbonnais Cops. Luckily that other dude had the common sense to throw the bomb away before the Piggies got to 'em. Kudos, pal. You done good.