Sunday, April 22, 2001

Zach “Gets Rich” Kuhn

There will come a time to put on a brave face.

Qwinny Quinn Qwin doesn’t like the new Creeper Lagoon record. I am blinded by the fact that these are four really great guys who made a pretty good record. The middle act is terrible, but songs 1-6+10-13= great American rock. Live, this record translated well. On Plastic, however…I understand why people may not like it. Point/counterpoint and so it goes.

Today and last night were great, as I spent some High Q time with Ryan. Last night we went to the Bloomington bars (twice in one year! What am I doing?!?!?!) with her cousin Chad and his friend Jeff, who is as good looking as a man can get and made me look like a fucking degenerate gambler***1***. We had a good time making fun of the various fratties mulling about, and her friend from Russia is a hoot and a half. Big asses beware, Illyana from Moscow is on her way to bust on ye. Some D-Bag gave the doorman at Fat Jack’s a $20 bill to get in ahead of the line. Ten minutes later, poetically, there was no longer a line. Moral of the story: Don’t be a D-Bag.

Today we slept ‘til 230, showered separately, hit Barnes and Noble for another no-CMJ day (15 ‘n counting), and then went to Chili’s for a two hour dinner. Ryan eats slow, but I think she’s got the right idea. I had the chicken crispers, mostly because I wanted the ear of corn on the cob and fries, and nothing else offers those two things in combination. Crispers are fried way too long and taste like burned bread crusts. Eeeew.

And why didn’t anyone tell me that fucking Prefontaine is DEAD. God damnit. I’m ‘bout to fucking cry. How can they be so beautiful as to time his memorial service to get him the record he wanted?!?!?!? The Beauty in little things.

The last five movies that almost (or did) make me cry are: “You can Count on Me” (almost); “Requiem for a Dream” (almost); “Good Will Hunting”***2*** (almost); “Scary Movie” (did)***3***; and “E.T.” (did, but shit I was FIVE).

In the stereo: Donald Sutherland…making me cry.

***1***Can you tell I missed the Sopranos tonight? Don’t disrespect the pizza parlor.
***2***There is talk of Matty D. reprising his role of Will Hunting for the new Kevin Smith movie. For the record, let me stress my frowning upon this. First of all, Matthew Paige Damon, every time ye connect with K. Smith ye make a terrible movie (see “Dogma” and then attempt to erase it as well as I have, which is about 98% minus the Salma Hayek parts, which are fucking impossible to get rid of.). Second of all, K. Smith is a hack who disowned his only really funny movie (see “Mallrats”, but not in front of yer Sig.Other’s parents, as I did in high school promoting their overall dissatisfaction with me and my treatment of their daughter) and who dissed my P.T.A. Third of all, Will Hunting is happily married in California working for a preservation society***4***. Any occurance of him in another film requires the equal appearance of Skylar, and I don’t think Miss Minnie Driver (my future wife) will step foot next to you. So do us all a favor, stay away stay away stay away. Thank you.
***3***For all the wrong reasons. A good way to look at a society is not only the health of its frogs, but also in its number one movies…I don’t remember laughing once at that monstrosity of a “film”, and they’re making a SEQUEL….
***4***Or a think tank or the Anaheim Angels or whatever the fuck smaaat people do when not in Bah-stahn.

Joe got caught aboard a boat with seven tons of opium.


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