Monday, March 19, 2001

Zach "No Nukes!" Kuhn

I have nipples, Greg, could you milk me?

No test. Repeat, we have no test. It has been moved to Wednesday, so all that studying I did was worth it. I got a quiz back that I was sure I'd bombed and I got a B. Life's funny sometimes.

Commerce Bank screwed me again with a deposit, so this morning I spent 25 minutes clearing it up. Fortunately the guy helping me knew his head from his ass, and the money found its way back into my account. Some poor bastard thought he'd come into $136.02. Now I feel bad.

Yes, brother, I have your Sopranos Third Season tape here at school. I thought you said I could have it?!?!? Anyway, I'll be watching that later today.

I went to the Office of Residential Life (ORL, which is funny and not funny at the same time) to see about living in a SINGLE in the dorms next year. I was distressed to find that there is no way in hell I'm going to get one. The girl said that people now in the dorms get first priority. I feel it should go by time served, and I have two years of painful/beautiful memories of my particular cell block (a vibrator, a loft, a roomate's $275 phone bill, a 22 year old who never went to class and then disappeared without buying me the Arby's he promised me for helping him move, an answering machine message, and both roomates awful shoe stench to name a few). The bastards at the league office, however, feel that I should have to live with a roomate. "Don't you know anyone in the same positition?" the girl asked. "A few girls," I answered. "Well we can't do that."

Thanks, I knew that.

So now its either live in the dorm with someone I don't know with the possibility of having to spend an entire year with some unkempt, non-showering, won't-leave-me-alone Charlie or attempt to find an apartment where I don't have to pay for the summer and can leave early if needed. Charlie, you better like The Band.

Moments away...the BLARGars!?..?!?!

The next five songs on your radio in a perfect world would be: "Photobooth" by death cab for cutie; "My life" by Joel R.L. Phelps; "Tupelo Honey" by Van Morrison; "All of my Prophets" by Waxwing; and "Happy" by the rolling stones.

In the stereo: Marc listening to Death Cab for Cutie in the shower. What have you done with the real Marc?!!??!?!??! What's next, Wilco?!?!?