Sunday, March 18, 2001

Zach "Big Pinkin" Kuhn

I shall be released.

Good day. Woke up round 10, laid in bed. Beautiful day outside, about 50 degrees, sunny, a slight wind. Good day. Went over to work, bought "Wonder Boys" and the Band's "Music from Big Pink", plus some blank tapes for some mixers I owe. Music from Big Pink is finally re-mastered and has bonus tracks which would make a classic album on their own.

Good day. And yes, I hate Brendan Fraser. I think we've covered this. Imagine my horror when my mom confessed to wanting to see "the Mummy Returns".

Have a big math test tomorrow. Wish I had gone to class last Wednesday instead of sleeping in. I'm a bit lost on a few different subjects, including this Conditional Probability stuff. We'll see how I do. I predict a 75%. I predicted an 88% last time, got an 88. Too bad it doesn't work all the time, or I would not have picked fucking Florida to get to the final Four. Florida has fucked us for the last time.

Am I the only one who's noticed the Led Zeppelin phase in pubescent suburban kids? I went through it, and everyone I know did too. Even the girls, who rarely experienced the same things as boys at that age.. When I was 12, the only true make-out song was "Stairway to Heaven". Every memory I have of 7th and 8th grade has some portion of the Zep involved. If you ever meet my dad, ask him about the time his best friend got so drunk that he actually fell asleep next to John Bonham's drum set at a L.Z. show right after they released II. He loves that story. Especially since they played at a small gym.

I talk about movies, music, and books because that is what my life revolves around. For instance, I will probably BLARG the BLARGars tommorrow while watching "Wonder Boys" after listening to the new Mixer I made for the Lady Friend after reading more of Greil Marcus's "Lipstick Traces". Whether or not that means my life is sad, that's for me to know and you to read about.

Somewhere, out there, Matt Damon is acting. With fucking terrible awful Julia Stiles.

The next five songs on your radio in a perfect world would be: "Things" by Paul Westerberg; "Stall" by Sarge; "God in your eyes" by Varnaline; "We Laugh Indoors" by Death cab for cutie; and "Sexy, TX" by Straightleggedkick.

In the Stereo: The Band, Alejandro Escovedo, and "I'm Afraid of Everything" or Panaphobic.

P.S. Life savers candy cures sore throats.


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