Friday, March 16, 2001

Zach "Dove Number 4" Kuhn

Between the viaducts of your dreams.

You must own the entire Van Morrison catalog, especially Tupelo Honey and Astral Weeks and Moondance. Especially Astral Weeks. Yes, your least favorite frat/sorority person has bastardized "brown eyed girl" and "moondance". Yes, this is sad. NO this does not mean you cannot celebrate his entire catalog from1968-1974. After '74 its mostly hit or miss. Mostly miss. Yeah, I know I'm not supposed to tell you what to like, the Lady Friend complains that I do this too often. I don't do it because I don't trust you, I do it to help you. There's so much beauty in the world, I'm just trying to highlight some of it.

Should I see Enemy at the Gates tommorrow? Or should I wait?

Anyway, on Saturday I met my first celebrity since Bill Kurtis from CBS-2 Chicago and A&E (who smoked a cigarette on my neighbor's porch). Seal, the entertainer. Basically, we went to Santa Monica, which rules. Walking up and down the Promenade, where the world's best Barnes and Noble and a vintage clothes shop and a pretty good record store and a shitload of coffee shops (my rule: never ever ever buy coffee or hot chocolate or anything from Starbucks. others can do it, i'm not an elitist or an enforcer, I just think Starbucks blows. Then again, I've never had a cup of coffee in my life. Not even a drop. I'm like a straight edge kid about it.)
So we're walking, and I look down to check out the L.A Weekly I picked up. Two steps later, I'm face to face with Seal. Now, normally I'd be skeptical, my eyes have failed me many times. But Seal is very unique looking. This guy had the pits and the eyes, it was definitely Seal. He looked at me for a second, I nodded, he nodded, and then he walked on with his arm around his girlfriend. So we're best friends now, he probably wrote about me on his BLARG, tentatively titled "we laugh indoors". Santa Monica rules. It would make the short list, except its too pricey. And too perfect. And too pricey.

You can count on me seems to be leading the BLARGars.

the next five songs on your radio in a perfect world would be: "Kiss from a rose" by Seal; "Crazy" by Seal; "Crazy (remix)" by Seal; "Kiss from a rose (remix)" by Seal; and "we laugh indoors" by Death cab for cutie.

in the stereo: Spinanes


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